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In Memories

Monday, July 16, 2007

My Mom

This morning as usual my mom kissed me. When she kissed me, I embraced her with love and said that I love her.
My mom look at my face for a minute and with tears in her grey eyes, she said : I love u too dear…really love u. I kissed her and her hand then said : thanks mom! for to be my mother…:p

When she took a Subuh pray. I look into her for a while. I reliaze the story of my friend. He said that his wife was death in her first birth.
I’m the first in my family and the same situation could be happen to my mom, death when her first birth.
I take a hard breath and said thanks to Allah that He gave a chance to my mom for care and love me.

My Mom, She was a special women in my heart. She always give her strong shoulder n with her gracefulnes arm, she caress me. She strong women who can birth 5 children and accept all our naughty without complain. She strong and rigid when all the children come to her with a weak. She loves all her children in all situation when she healty, sad, happy, sick and even their children disappointed her, she always loves their children. She gives her stronger for his husband and protect her husband from the word which can make her husband hurt. She caring, loving, respect and believe her husband without hesitant. She is… a wise women.

From my mother I learn that the beauty of a women isn’t in a dress that she wear or how’s she nice with her hair n look like… A beauty of women can take a look from her eyes cause in her eyes we can see a sea of loves and in her eyes also a place that we can find out a door of heart where loves is there…

The valley of sins

Sometimes, the valey of sins is a way and process towards the true pierty but , never and don’t to pass that valley to be pious man.

Sangat banyak orang yang mau bersusah payah mengarungi lautan, menuruni lembah dan melewati jurang-jurang hanya sekerdar ingin melihat-lihat peninggalan para leluhurnya .

Mengapa tidak lebih bersusah payah untuk mengekang jiwanya dan memerangi hawa nafsunya agar bisa sampai ke dalam hati. Karena dalam hati yang bersih , akan ditemukan peninggalan Rabbnya.


One day I chat with a man. We have a seriously conversation about our relationship. About marry. I always said that he must be kidding. All his words just a joke. As I know in chat people can be easy to lie with their pathner. But his answer make me startled. He angry and said : why u always said that i just kidding?

I was breathing hard before I reply his message : I’m so sorry , I don’t mean that. As I know in the early chat when I ask him about like and dislike . He said he like honest and dislike dishonest :p

Ok, I ‘d like to open relationship with anyone, anywhere however I’m a single women who looking for a right man. I’m also like honest and dislike dishonest.

But as Moslem I learn more about words. Everyday people in this world use millions words. Sometimes they said honest, sometimes lie, sometimes serious, sometimes joke. Sometimes promise .

sometimes the words make someone happy, sometimes sad, cry, laugh, angry, doubt, hurt…

Millions words in the air.

Sometimes the people will forget what were they had said a minute ago, yesterday, a day after yesterday, a year ago…. As human being sometimes we couldn’t remember all the words that we were said.

That’s way we must be carefull to use the words.

However as Moslem I believe all the words that I had to said will be write in a book by the angel of Allah. Even sometimes I forgot what was I said in the past but I know someday all the words will be coming to me for ask a responsibility….

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Need A Process

One day, a man asked me.” Do u think we can be a couple?” I said : Insha Allah, if Allah allow us and we both want to make a good relationship. He asked me again. “ What do u want from the man who will be ur husband ?” I said : I need a man who loves Allah, want to be a good Moslem, learn Islam, respect to other people, loving and caring.”

Another day, I knew that he convert to Islam with a conflict in his family. His aunt who adoption him was agry, when she know he choice Islam as his way. I was surprised. Suprissed that he dared to be a Moslem.

As Moslem I learn that Islam is processing, islam isn’t being. We have to process to know about Islam. We have to process to be a good Moslem. Even Allah said in Qur’an : If He said ‘Kun’ (to be) than everything can to be. But He teach us about a process. He creat this nature by a process, He creat this world by a process. He creat man by a process from in mother’s womb, a baby till grow up to mature.

Everything in this world need a process. Be a couple need a process. To know each other,, to make a good communication, to trust and believe each other, to make a same perception, to accept more and less of a couple, respect a couple then love and caring…

If have a conflict we also need a process to improve…

All the process need patience n tolerance
Patience n tolerance teach us to be a wise guy…

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Sometimes I feel lonely, quiet,desolate which company with the strange sense that always flare up in my chest. Dibble quitesometimes make me become inflamed. But that song of sense always hide away.

I need a friend. A friend who will I love with all my soul as I love my family. A good friend who will I caring and understand and will take care of my name when I a live or dead. I never meet in my life a friend who will faithfull in sorrowful. Whereas my life sometimes turn arround with sorrow and sorrow. If sorrowful coming, I always ask who want to be my friend?

I can free associatewith other people when I have a lucky destiny. But when a tragedy coming, I found they look like a period wheel which wouldn’t make a friend with a situation.

If I couldn’t found a good friends who care and loves Allah I ‘ll be better live alone than I must have a friend with a bad person. Sit lonely for a pray with silent is make me more happiness than a company with a friend who must to wacth out.

Actually, this moment is so special in all my life. When I can make a truth and honest listen to a friend in my soul. Sound of my heart, a friend who close and good for me. It’s never lie, even I try to lie. As a mirrow it will asking the truth about me. If I do wrong it will be ask wrong and if do right it will be ask that I’m right…

I’m crying when a sound of my heart warning me without words
When a honest of soul wqaqrning without speak
When a song of my heart tell about my fault…and when all the sound warning…

If u feeling lonely, don’t ask u are alone. But ask that Raqib angel and Atid angel will always beside u. and Allah always watching u without sleepy…

( Al An’ aam:59)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Surga Yang Abadi

Waktu pada hakekatnya adalah umur bagi manusia. Ia adalah modal kehidupan yang abadi di dalam surga kenikmatan juga sebagai modal kehidupan yang sengsara didalam azab yang pedih di neraka

Sesungguhnya jika Allah telah menempatkan para penghuni surga ke dalam surga dan menempatkan para penghuni neraka di dalam neraka, maka Dia mengutus Ar-Ruhul-Amin ( Jibril) kepada para penghuni surga untuk berkata :

” Wahai para penghuni surga , sesungguhnya Rabb kalian menyampaikan salam kepada kalian dan memerintahkan agar kalian mengunjungi-Nya di halaman surga tempatnya lapang , berpasir dan berkerikil kecil debunya berupa minyak kesturi kerikilnya berupa butir-butir mutiara pepohonannya dari emas yang halus ,daunnya permata zamrud.

Para penghuni surga keluar dalam keadaan riang dan gembira. Disana mereka dikumpulkan , disana ada kemuliaan Allah, disana dapat memandang Wajah-Nya. Itulah janji Allah yang dipenuhi-Nya bagi mereka

Allah mengizinkan mereka untuk mendengar suara yang merdu,makan dan minum, mengenakan perhiasan kemulian

kemudian ada penyeru yang berseru

” Wahai wali-wali Allah adakah sesuatu yang masih menyisa dari janji Allah kepada kalian?”

Mereka menjawab tidak Ada, Dia telah memenuhi apa yang pernah dijanjikan kepada kami. Tidak ada sesuatupun yang menyisa selain dari memandang wajahNya.

Maka Rabb menampak diri kepada mereka. di balik sebuah tabir Dia berfirman :

” Wahai Jibril , singkirkan tabirKu ini untuk hamba-hambaKu agar mereka bisa memandang WajahKu.

Maka jibril menyingkirkan tabir yang pertama hingga mereka bisa memandang cahaya dari cahaya Rabb.

Seketika itu
mereka merunduk kepadaNya untuk sujud.

Rabb berseru kepada mereka

” Wahai hamba-hambaKu angkatlah kepala kalian karena ini bukan tempat untuk melakukan amalantetapi ini adalah tempat tinggal untuk mendapat balasan.”

Lalu jibril menyingkirkan tabir kedua hingga mereka dapat memandang suatu urusan yang paling agung dan besar.

Seketika itu mereka merunduk kepada Allah untuk memuji dan bersujud

Rabb berseru kepada mereka:

” Angkatlah kepala kalian karena ini bukan tempat tinggal untuk melakukan amalan,tetapi ini tempat
untuk menerima balasan dan kenikmatan yang abadi

Jibrilpun menyingkirkan tabir ketiga hingga pada saat itu mereka dapat memandang Wajah Rabbul –alamin
tatkala memandang WajahNya itulah mereka berkata :

” Maha Suci Engkau ,
Kami belum beribadah padaMu dengan sebenar-benar ibadah.”

Allah Berfirman :

”Karena kemuliaan dariKu lah yang memungkinkan kalianbisa memandang WajahKu
menempatkan kalian di tempat tinggalKu.”

Lalu Allah mengizinkan surga untuk berkata :

“Kebahagiaanlah bagi orang yang menempatiku,kebahagianlah bagi orang yang hidup abadi didalamku,
kebahagianlah bagi orang yang kupersiapkan baginya….

( Al Qiyaamah :22-23)